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Qaos System Information/Introductions
Current body age: 20

General Information
- Some text will be highlighted in white for the sake of legibility since some text colours don't show up as well against the background. If you're struggling to read anyone's text, let us know and we'll be sure to highlight it. A lot of us also have our own unique way of typing (we call them "quirks"), and if you're having trouble reading what we're saying we'll be more than happy to translate and/or suppress our quirks for you.
- We don't blur or blend nearly as much as we used to, but it still happens from time to time. If it's causing problems, just bear with us until it's fixed. Please don't try and fix it yourself, you'll likely only make it worse.
- None of us are from this timeline, and many of us aren't human, so we may not understand various things that are assumed to be common knowledge. Some of us may also say things that seem nonsensical as a result, so feel free to ask for clarification, and hopefully someone will be able to explain.
- We're all suffering from some level of amnesia about our pasts, so please don't press any of us too hard if we can't provide you with information immediately.
- The body has some mental-health issues that not all of us share with it and vice-versa. We are each dealing with this in our own way.
- We generally don't have any idea what's going on when it comes to this stuff, and don't know what everyone's "roles" are, or even if we have them, nor do we know what "type" of system we are, or what our "origins" are. None of us really know how we got here, or why we're in someone else's body with a bunch of other people, we just know that we are here and that we don't have much of a choice in the matter.
- We function much more like a group of individuals than a collective whole, and opinions and preferences can vary wildly between us. We don't have any preferences when it comes to collective pronouns and similar things, mostly because we can't agree on anything (both in general and in this specific case).
- The amount of time that each of us is around to talk for varies wildly from person to person, so you'll likely be hearing from some of us a lot more than others.
- Many of us are looking for people that we remember from our native timeline, so if you recognise any of us, or know anything about any of these people, please do let us know. Also, if you have any information on how to see our homes again or how to get our bodies back, please tell us, as some of us would really like to know that.

‖ː‖hi, i'm macros! i don't have any pronouns, so feel free to use what-ever the fuck you want lmao. in human years i'd be a li'l' bit over nineteen. i usually suppress the more-incomprehensible part o' my quirk like i'm doing here, 'cause other-wise y'all can't understand me much at all. i'm a very gay fish lmao. :]‖ː‖

Greetings, I am Crow. I am twenty one years old and human, though I am from a timeline different enough that it tends to be quite a large shock when I discuss the details. If you really must know, you may ask me in private, and I will tell you.
I use caw/caws/cawself pronouns, I am twenty years old, and I am pansexual and demiromantic. I am naturally a hypersexual flirt, though I tend to tone that down when it would be less acceptable. If I am still "too much" for you, then I will happily turn it down, but only to an extent to which I am comfortable. Beyond that, I will simply request that you talk to someone else. I am also inexperienced at conversing with children, so if you are a minor and I seem evasive or something similar, that is probably why.
I am an accomplished artificer, but not the kind in Dungeons and Dragons. That game is horrifically inaccurate, and I could talk on that topic for quite some time, but I will you save you the time of listening to me.
For those that wish to know, I am not a good person by any means or definition, regardless of what you may think or hear, so please do yourself a favor and do not look up to me as any form of role model.
I am willing to admit that almost the entirety of the personality which you see here is a façade, but I will not drop it unless I am comfortable doing so. Do not attempt to force me to drop it, that will only end in disappointment and a cold shoulder from me.
That is all I have to say about myself for now, though I am willing to answer almost any question if asked privately.

ⱱ Greetings, I'm S<3<iren, <3<nd I'll h<3<ve <3< bl<3<ck fling with your m<3<tesprit if you give me h<3<lf <3< ch<3<nce ;)
ⱱ I would be 22 in hum<3<n ye<3<rs, <3<nd I go by vey/vem :)
ⱱ I'm <3<nti <3<uthority to my core, <3<nd more th<3<n willing to fight <3<g<3<inst injustice, so don't mess with me if you're <3< bigoted shit ;)
ⱱ Forever t<3<ken by my m<3<tesprit H<3<rpie, so keep me outt<3< your flushed pl<3<ns ;)

ʃheLLo dEAriES im MAarRI anD Im rEAllY VerY Oldʅ
ʃim KNowN As tHE miRThfUL doLOroSA by SOme AS i lIKe tO CarE For THosE ChiLDreN In nEEd oF Itʅ
ʃthE OthERs lIKe tO CalL Me gRAndMA so FEel FRee TO usE ThaT If yOU waNTʅ
ʃfoR ProNOunS JusT Use ANytHIng NOt tOO maSCulINeʅ
ʃmy HOrnS DonT LooK LikE TheY Do iN My pICtuRE thEY loOK moRE liKE thIS, buT LonGErʅ
ʃi tHInk THatS EveRYthINg bUT feEL frEE to TEll ME whAT i mISseDʅ

Greetings. I have no name, age, pronouns, species, or anything of that description. My true nature is incomprehensible to the mortal mind, so do not put much thought into discerning it. The others frequently describe me as "eldritch" and "lovecraftian", so make of that what you will.

Hi! I'm Tiggy! :3
I'm 18, n I mews Nya/Nya/Nyas/Nyas/Nyaself purronouns :3
I rreally like making cat puns, but if mew cant underrstand me just ask me what I said :3c
Im furrom like a while into da future n Im an apex purredator! :3
I dont rreally know much bout dis "modern" society, but I trry my best! :3
Also I mews too many Rs when I type cause its fun!!! >:3c
Im a genetically modified catgirrl btw :3
My necklace has catnip in it >:3c
School doesnt exist when I live, so sorrry furr bein stupid sometimes :3

^!^īm Rrībbīt^!^
^°^īd bē 16 īn hūmān yēārs^°^
^°^ī ūsē frrōg/frrōgsēlf prrōnōūns^°^
^°^īm nōt vērry gōōd āt pēōplē thīngs, būt īm lēārrnīng^!^
^!^īm rrēālly gōōd āt jūmpīng ānd my tōngūē īs vērry lōng^!^
^°^īm nōt thē smārrtēst būt ī dō knōw sōmē thīngs^!^
^-^plēāsē dōnt mākē fūn ōf my hōrrns ī knōw thēyrrē shōrrt^-^
^!^sēnd mē pīcs ōf frrōgs plēāsē thēy mākē mē hāppy^!^
^°^īm nōt ā hūgē fān ōf tēntāclēs sō plēāsē dōnt shōw mē āny^°^

You don't get to know shit about me unless I trust you, which I probably don't
If you've got to call me something, 11413 is my number
She/they/it pronouns
I may not be a minor, but still fuck off if you're a creep
Fuck the police, fuck the prison system, fuck the government
That's all you're getting from me so fuck off

im zyagro but you can call me zy or z if you want because a lot of people do i use he she pronouns and im a blender enthusiast im about nineteen in human years also i dont do punctuation so my messages tend to run on for a while if youve got a problem with that then feel free to do something about it i dont really care if and i call you kid dont worry about it thats just force of habit

Hi I'm Noir Whitts queen of the slums
Not really lol I just like to say that
I'm illiterate lmao so Mac's typing this out for me
Apparently I'm 18 or something but idrk
Pronouns are for nerds lol idk what you call me
If you're a pedo then I'll knock you out and take your shit
Don't call me the n-word I ain't black
Idk why my eyes are different colours lmao they just kinda are lol

Greetings, I have many names, so call me what you will. I am over 1000 years old and use exclusively gender-neutral pronouns. I am an archfae (I believe that you humans would call me a satyr) as well as an archmage. My horns are more silver and my hair is more golden than the picture would suggest, but that was the closest that the Picrew had. This body which I find myself in, unfortunately, lacks the power which I once wielded, but I am learning to cope with that loss. If you wish for further information, do feel free to ask. And don't worry about me taking your name, or doing any similar things associated with my people, as I cannot do that yet due to being in this body.

Im Owen
Im a 18 year old idiot trans boy but you can miss with the "UwU soft trans boy shit"
He/They/It/Rat/Xe/Ze and on a quest to collect more neos
Im native descent but I was never very connected to any of that
Also I break clocks a lot its fun I dunno why
And yeah I like decorating myself its called style fuck off
Im weak as shit but Ill still punch you if you're a bigot
Im probably ace but I don't like thinking about sexual shit so I dunno
Polyromantic and Ill date anyone who isn't cishet
Go look at someone else's info page now or something idk

Before reading, know that Violet regularly lies for the sake of lying, so take everything said below with a grain of salt.

Greetings, mortals, I am Violet.
I am old enough that age doesn't matter. Such is the way with dæmonic powers.
My preferred pronouns change depending on my mood, so feel free to ask for them.
No, I am not associated with the Abrahamic god, nor with Lucifer or Satan, I am but a dæmon living my best life.
Unfortunately, the body I find myself in lacks the powers which I am used to, so I am in quite a weakened state and cannot make the deals or pacts which I am so fond of making.
Just remember that Religion is bullshit and not all dæmons are evil, we are people just as complex as you humans.

×Hey, I'm Mar†in, and if you couldn'† †ell, I'm dead×
×Well, no† †echnically dead, bu† I've died more †imes †han I can coun†×
×Well, I didn'† ac†ually die, bu† I was killed×
×I†'s complica†ed×
×Basically, I'm a living ghos† zombie †hing×
×He/†hey/ghos† pronouns, bu† ghos† is preferred×
×Age doesn'† ma††er when you're barely even alive, bu† I've been around a while×
×I probably won'† †alk †ha† much, because having †o be in a body fucking sucks, bu† maybe I'll ge† used †o i†×
×Is †ha† every†hing?×
×If no†, †hen †ha†'s no† my problem anymore, I'm done wi†h †his shi†×

«Greetings my name is ꙮrikʘl. I am 12 sweeps ʘld, which I believe is arʘund 28 under yʘur species’ measurement ʘf time, thʘugh I have been here fʘr ʘver 2 years nʘw, which wʘuld make me 30.»
«I generally prefer she/they prʘnʘuns, but I dʘ nʘt much mind any ʘthers.»
«I have been tʘld that I sʘund French by the ʘthers with whʘm I share a bʘdy, but that may nʘt be impʘrtant.»
«Since I am free tʘ say it here, I dʘ nʘt much like authʘrity, and wʘrk tʘ subtly undermine it when I can.»
«My jʘb back hʘme invʘlved the management and running ʘf a sewage treatment plant, sʘ yʘu may take that as yʘu will.»
«I believe that this all the impʘrtant infʘrmatiʘn that I need tʘ say, but dʘ tell me if I have missed sʘmething.»

>> GreetInGs
>> I Am AntrIx
>> I wOuld be AlmOst 26 In humAn yeArs
>> I use he/they/It prOnOuns
>> Im A sOldIer And hAve been fOr As lOnG As I remember And Im reAlly GOOd wIth A shOtGun
>> I mIss my mAtesprIt AmAlie A lOt
>> I thInk thAts everything
>> AntrIx Over And OuT

Spark either can't or won't speak, so we're doing this for them. They're of an unknown species and have an ambiguous age but are notably childlike. They seem to be okay with anything gender-neutral or masculine, pronoun-wise. That's all we know right now, other than that they've got a blowtorch. And a flamethrower.

×I'm Xiao-Ming, but you can just call me Xiao×
×I'm a 192cm tall muscular gay 22 year old man×
×I've never really put too much thought into pronouns, but he/him works fine×
×There's not all that much else to say, I like green, I guess×
×I didn't expect this to be so hard to write×
×Anyway, that's it, bye×

my name is unimportant, but i've plenty of pseudonyms that you can use. rc, 5243, monkey king, drone lord, and robo-warlord are some of my favourites, but i usually stick with rc. you don't need to know how old i am, but i'm not a kid. i'm stargender, and use exclusively starself pronouns. i'm from a completely different timeline, but that's unimportant.

hi, I'm Kæglif!
I'd be seventeen in human years
I use plural he/she pronouns (he are instead of he is, for example)
The Picrew image isn't the most accurate, but it will work for now, at least until I can get a better one, and I've edited it 2️⃣ make it a little better anyway
I'm fairly confident that I'm from Alternia, and I think that I knew Solluxander Captor, though that may be wrong

I have been called Marionette for long enough to consider it a name...
Age means little to me, but I'm not a child for those of you who care about that sort of thing...
It/its pronouns are preferred, but they/them isn't too bad I suppose...
I am not used to flesh, so forgive me for any missteps that I may make...

heȴȴo, my name is scȴosz doctiⅎ
I would be around nineteen of your human years oȴd
in terms of pronouns, I think that she/they wiȴȴ suffice for the time being

Greetings, I am Haspex. In your human years, I am twenty two. I am agender and have no preferences for any specific pronouns.

hi, i go by mercury-quintessence, and any pronouns will do for the time being since i have't worked those out yet
i don't really have a normal age, but i think i can be considered an adult

Greetings, I am Emerald. Age means very little to me, but you may consider me an adult. Unlike my contemporary, Violet, I have no desire to engage with mortal genders, so they/them pronouns are satisfactory for me. Whilst I am not an angel, I am similar enough that I am willing to be referred to as such, though do keep in mind that I am of no relation to any of your human religions.


Hi, I'm Annabelle. I think I'm 18, but that doesn't really matter anymore because I'm probably dead. I'm nonbinary but I use she/her pronouns.

Hello, call me Kehrhighan (pronounced kɛɹɪgən). I'd be considered a young adult for my species, roughly equivalent to 18 years old in human terms. I don't mind which pronouns are used for me so, in Mac's words, "feel free to use literally whatever the fuck you want".

Hi! I'm Pixie! I don't know what I'd be in human years, but I was considered an adolescent back home, and my pronouns are fey/fem.


hI! I'm JugzIe!!! :o)
I'm an any pr:o)n:o)uns kInda gIrl, but I'm stIll a gIrl!!! :o)
In human years, I'd be 20!!! :o)
I'm just a sIlly lIttle cl:o)wn, but bIg thIngs can c:o)me In small packages!!! hehehe ;o)

I'm Noelle, I'd be 19 in human yearz, and I go by he/they pronounz.

h1, 1m 63nn13, 4nd 1 u53 4ll pr0n0un5-
1n hum4n y34r5 1d 63 f1ft33n-
my m00d 93t5 v3ry v0l4t1l3 50m3t1m35, 50 50rry 1f 1 5n4p 4t y0u 0r d0 4nyth1n9 3l53 l1k3 th4t, 1t5 my f4ult n0t y0ur5-
th4t5 3v3ryth1n9, 1 d0nt h4v3 4nyth1n9 3l53 t0 54y-

Hello, reader, I go by Contagion, null/it/she pronouns. In human years I'd be about 22 years old.

Greetings, I am Aravir Telurean. I am 124 years old, though my people are not considered adult until 100, which would make me approximately the equivalent maturity to a 22-year-old human. I don't have any preference for pronouns beyond a general dislike for being called "it".

Greetings. My name is Aurum, I am 25 years old, and my pronouns are he/him and they/them.

Hi, I'm Trixie!!! You can call me Trix if you want! I'm 18, and I think that's the same for human years too. She/they pronouns, but ink/inkself is cool too, for squid reasons.

Hey, I'm Crux. I'm 19, he/they/it pronouns. That's all, bye. 👍

Hello, I am Niesse. I use he/she/they pronouns. I'm 54 years old, but my species isn't considered adult until 50. I don't know what else to put here, so yeah, that's it.

»-$up, I'm $ø$$I@, I'd be nIneteen, @nd I never fuckIng le@rned høw tø nøt punch cøp$->
»-ye$ I'm @ gIrl, ye$ I u$e he/they prønøun$; If yøu h@ve @ prøblem wIth th@t I'll @$$ume yøu're @ cøp @nd punch yøu t∞->
»-@nyw@y, th@t'$ @ll; bye!!->

≥=Hi, I'm Cravvly, and I use he/they pronouns. In human years, I vvould be 20. I don't have anything else to say about myself.=≤

>>> print("yo, I'm corrin, but you can call me 2jack or CW if you want. in human years I'd be 21 and I use he/she/they pronouns")

Hi! I'm LE-1287, but please call me Ellie! My age isn't particularly relevant for synthetic life reasons, but I was created for adult purposes and intended to mimic an 18-year-old in terms of personality, so you can just say I'm 18 if you want. I've never really thought about pronouns, but I'm used to people using she/her, they/them, or it/its for me so let's go with that for now. Anyway, I think that's everything, so yeah!

Hello, I'm Hermit. I prefer she/her pronouns if possible, but I don't mind oⱦer non-masc ones if you must. In human years, I'd be around 19.

Hi! I decided to call myself Charly, but you can still call me shifter if you want. I use all pronouns, and in human years I'd be roughly 17. If you're wondering why I don't have an image or a reference, it's because I'm a shape-changer without any real consistent appearance and creating a fake face just for this seemed kinda pointless.

Greetings, I am Paradigm. Much like the nameless one I lack any meaningful personal descriptors, though I have chosen the aforementioned name for ease of reference.

Hi, i'M KeRSie. i'Ve NeVeR FiGuReD ouT My PRoNouNS So JuST uSe WHaTeVeR FoR NoW aNd i'LL GeT THeRe eVeNTuaLLy. iN HuMaN yeaRS i'D Be 20

heyΦ, i'm gΦΦse. i'd be 19 if yΦu measured it in human years. i use she/her and it/its prΦnΦuns. i'm just a little guy, sΦ dΦn't wΦrry abΦut me tΦΦ much. ;)

({[hey, im karina…]})
({[i use she/her pronouns, and i would be nineteen years old if i was human…}])
({[i want to go home…]})

--i'm row6nn 6k6 fuck2hit, 19, h3/it/th3y/2he/x3/z3/xir--

])y0, ¦m xΓan¦l uΓ0nTa, ¦'d be 19, and ¦ c0u|dn'T g¦ve less 0f a sh¦T ab0uT pΓ0n0uns s0 jusT f0||0w y0uΓ heaΓT 0Γ s0meTh¦n ¦dΓc. why am ¦ heΓe? gΓeaT fuck¦n quesT¦0n!! }]

uhm, hi :)
im circus :)
im 18 in humans years :)
my preferred pr○n○uns are she/her, but i als○ use any :)
see y○u ar○und maybe :?

▼he¡¡o, i'm cRahkR, and i wou¡d be 18 in human yeaRs▼
▼i have no pRefeRence when i+ comes +o pRonouns, so use wha+eveR you think is best▼

Hello there, I'm Khar. My usual answer to the question of pronouns is a disinterested shrug, so feel free to take that however you wish. I'm 19 years old and open to pretty much anyone. I look forward to any future conversations I may have here. ;)

§║uhm, hI | I'm ʃσn&hI er&rt& | In hum&n ye&rs I'd be 19 | I've never wσrked σut prσnσuns, but mσst peσple b&ck hσme def&ulted tσ she/her if yσu w&nt tσ use th&t | I dσn't re&lly knσw wh&t I'm dσIng here, but m&ybe I'll fIgure th&t σut eventu&lly ¶

+1'm nOt the sOrt tO g1ve Out my name tO peOple 1 dOn't knOw, but yOu may call me by my #andle, salvageAngler, Or yOu can dO as mOst dO and s#Orten 1t to "angler" Or "SA". 1 dOn't muc# care fOr prOnOuns, sO use fOr me w#at yOu w1ll. 1'd be twenty One 1n #uman years, fOr thOse t#at care abOut t#at-

;HI, I'm pRIKnu REKinK! | I Don'T HAve ANY prEFEreNCE foR PRonOUNs, sO JUst USE whATEveR | I'D be 21 In hUMAn yEARs | tHE HorNS In mY IMagE ARen'T THe mOST acCURatE, BUt dRAWinG ANtlERS is HARd aND SymMETry ISN't eASY eiTHEr;

Hello there, I'm Wolfpack! I'm 19, and I use Woof/Woofs pronouns! I'm from the same future as Tiggy, and am also an apex predator! See you around!

Hey, I'm Carnage, nice to meet you. I'm 209 years old, though my species aren't considered to be adults until 200, so make of that what you will. As for my pronouns, go wild! ;)
I'll see you around, eh?

℺ hey, ¡'m r¡ft•n §¡§t¡§, but y•u can call me var¡•u§ n¡ckname§ ¡f y•u want
℺ ¡'d be 19 ¡n human year§, and my pr•n•un§ are he/¡t/§he/they

Um, hi, I'm Phersiss. I don't have a number for my age, but I'm a young adult. I'd prefer it if you used he/they pronouns for me, but I can't really stop you from using other ones. That's all...

)) hello, I'm Karnus, and given that my existence is no longer a secret I suppose I should start actually interacting with people *-
)) if you need to refer to me in the third person for some reason, just use whatever; I don't care what pronouns are used for me, so it's on you to pick something *-
)) in your human years, I would be a little over 20 *-

Hi! I'm Necara! Nice to meet you! I'd be 17 in earth years, and my pronouns are khey/khem (pronounced with this sound at the start), but I don't mind she/he either! I can't wait to meet more people!

Yo yo yo! The name's Paison! I'm just a bongwater vibe of a girl(?) (my gender is a question to which there is no answer :3c) and one of The Boys™ (no relation to the show y'all made). I don't know how long your years are compared to mine (tho they do seem to be about the same), but I'm 18 in my measures and 17 is the adult age where I'm from. I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm 100% bottom-tier. Oh, and yes, I do bite! >:3c

Hey, I'm Jason. You can call me JJ as well if you want. I use he/him pronouns and I'm 19. There really isn't anything interesting about me, so I'll end it there. See you around!

Something something be not afraid, I guess. I'm Caspen, pleasure to meet you! In human years, I'd be gay 18, and I don't think I could care less about what pronouns are used for me. See you around!

hello, i'm xlishtha pothhir!
this world isn't well set up for my quirk, so i've dropped the replacement part
my pronouns are it/its, but i'm not opposed to she/he either
in human years, i'd be 19
that's all i've got to say here, so i'll say farewell for now!

Greetings, I am Mal-0-8, but you may refer to me with whatever nicknames you deem appropriate. I don't have any preference for pronouns. My age is not irrelevant as I am a robot, but you may consider me an adult for purposes that require that.

↧Hello, I'm Tarlus. In human years, I'δ be 22. I use all pronouns except he and they (this incluδes neopronouns).↧

heyyyyy, i'm uxloxo! :3c UwU in earth years, i'm gay a thermonuclear bomb 17! idrc about pronouns, so get fucking crazy with it! >:3c OwO

well hello there
I am Ra×tus, and I am sure it will be quite the pleasure to make an acquaintance with you ‼
if you do find yourself referring to me, you need not worry about pronouns as I accept all ‼
for reasons that can be of importance sometimes, I would be twenty in your little human years

¶ heLLo ┬here! ¡'m ┬¡nksL! pLeasure ┬o mee┬ you! ¡'d be 20 ¡n human years, and my pronouns are she/sh¡m (take he/h¡m, and add s ┬o ┬he fron┬)! ¡ deepLy Look forward to any and aLL po┬en┬¡aL cLownery ¡n ┬he fu┬ure!! §

➾ well hello there! I'm Xyizon, and it's a pleasure to meet you! In human years I'd be 21, and I have no preference when it comes to pronouns. I look forward to meeting you!¬

sup, i'm Nexus, and i'm 19. idk how to convey a shrug through this sorta text, but that's my answer to what pronouns i use

-|Hellllo, I'm Sfiton. I don't care what pronouns you use for me, and I'd be 19 in human years.-|

Hi! >:3c
I'm Horus, and I'm just your average transfem catgirl! I like all pronouns equally, especially cat-based neopronouns >:3c
I'm 19 btw :3

Hey, I'm Kris. In human years, I'd be 20, and my pronouns change so ask what I'm going by if you want to know. Also, I'm a shapeshifter, so I can look like whatever or however I want! Oh, and btw, you should totally simp for me, I love it when people do that. ;)

'-'Greetings, I'm Goxthshr Jixthil (pronounced /ɣɔxθʃʋ ʒɪxθil/ for those that can read IPA), or Gox (/ɣɔx/) for short = My pronouns are They/It/She/Xhey/Ze/He/Zey/Phey, and I'd be 21 in human years = I am aware of the low image quality of my reference, but that cannot be helped given the limitations of the available tools = I look forward to making your acquaintance]{

Greetings, I am Frost! I'm 78 seasons old, or 19.5 years for those who don't want to divide that number by 4 themselves. I have no special preference for any individual pronouns, though I do prefer if people use more than just one for me. And, no, I'm not an elf (my species was known as "afrifthri" back home), but I don't object to being called one since I look similar enough.

| sup, i'm créa }{ in human years i'd be 20 }{ i use he/she/they pronouns }{ i've died a few times, so hopefully that won't happen here >

'Sup, I'm Gneiss, I'm 22 in human years, and I use all pronouns. Rock-based neopronouns are a personal favourite of mine though. I'm also basically an earthbender, which I think is cool. Anyway, I'll see you around. ;)

Skips, no pronoun preference, 19 in human years.

Greetings. My name is Harkrist Corþrini. By my measure, I am 458. By human measure, I would be about half a year over 22. I prefer he/him pronouns, but I won't correct you if you use others. I hope we can make a pleasant acquaintance. If you wish to know more about me, feel free to ask; I shall do my best to answer.

* Greetings, I'm Ixthior > I use any and all pronouns, with no specific preferences for a single set > In human years, I would be 19 |

-]hey. i'm O⌐issa. i'd be ┴wen┴y fOu⌐ in human yea⌐s. i dOn'┴ ca⌐e enOugh abOu┴ p⌐OnOuns ┴O have any, sO jus┴ use wha┴eve⌐}-

Well, hey there~
I'm Viscera, but you can call me Vizzy. I've got them he/she/it pronouns, and I'd be just under 20 in human years.
See you around~

heyyyy, i'm torisa, and i exist to cause problems! :3c\\\
my pronouns are for me to know and you to guess >:3c\\\
in human years i'd be just over 20, but that ain't all that important\\\
i'm sure you'll see me around, prolly when you'd rather not do that :3\\\

sup, i'm \/is|<! id|< wh/\t /\ pronoun is (/j), so just use wh/\te\/er idrc. in hum/\n ye/\rs, i'd be 22-ish. /\nd th/\t's /\ll i'\/e got, see y/\!

yo yo yo, I'm pIs}{es I}{InIs! I goT T|-|em s|-|e/|-|er pronouns, buT fInseLf Is banger Too. I'd be 22 In |-|uman years, In case T|-|aT maTTers. I'm jusT |-|ere To fuck around and LIve my LIfe as besT I can gIven T|-|e cIrcumsTances I'm sTuck wIT|-|. see y'aLL around!

⚞hey, i'm moonbeam, but you ☾an ☾all me moon or something similar if you want. i don't ☾are what prononus you use for me, so feel free to go ☾razy if you really want to. i'd be 20 in human years.⚟

=hello! I am Harys, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! in human years, I'd be 21! my pronouns are it/he/she! I hope we can get along alright! see you around!-

Heyo, All! I'm Nis! In Human Years, I'd be 19, And My Pronouns Are He/She/They! I Look Forward To Meeting You All!

|< crisk, 23 in human years, he/it >|
|< i'm an asshole, so just pretend i don't exist for your own good >|

⍃I'm Koɹshinia, and I causee pɹobleems foɹ a living! my pɹonouns aɹee a mysteeɹy nonee can answeeɹ! in human yeeaɹs I'm stupid a pɹobleem gay 21!⍄
⍃seeee you aɹound~ >:3c⍄

hEy hEy hEy, WaZzUp? I'm hYsTeRiA! iM CoOl wItH AlL PrOnOuNs nO MaTtEr wHaT, aNd i'D Be 20 In hUmAn yEaRs! SeE Y'aLl aRoUnD :o)

Hiya! We're Kitty and Harbinger! We're 20 years old in human measures! Kitty uses she/her pronouns and cat-based neopronouns, and Harbinger uses exclusively it/its! Feel free to ask who you're talking to if you ever need clarification (it's probably Kitty, Harbinger doesn't come out to play very often)! If you're confused, don't worry, so are we!

hey. I'm Fisst. pronounss are whatever and I'd be 20 in human yearss.

Sup, I'm Kai. In human years, I'd be 22. As for pronouns, have some fun with it.

Howdy, I'm Ougriss Iakados, but you can call me Iaka! In human years, I'd be 23. Pronouns don't mean much to me, so feel free to use whatever.

hey, i'm Argis. she/her pronouns mostly, but i'm fine with whatever. 22 in human years.

Hi! I'm Lusey! (My name is pronounced the same way as the human name Lucy.) I'm an any pronouns kinda gal, though I do prefer the more stereotypically feminine ones. In human years, I'd be 21. In case you couldn't tell from my image, I love violence! Anyway, I'll see you around!

Hey hey hey! I'm Quasar, pleasure to meet you! In human years, I'd be 21! When it comes to pronouns, I like it when people get a lil silly w it. See you around!

Howdy! I'm Tristrine! I use he/him pronouns, but any others work just as well tbh. In human years, I'd be 21! Here's hoping we can make something fun happen with my time here!

Hey, I'm Messer, but my friends call me Messy! I'm 23 years old, and I use they/them pronouns (though any others work too tbh). Despite being human (mostly, anyway), I'm not from this timeline (either that or I'm from way far in the future) so I might be a little weird from y'all's pov (not to mention the fact that I spent more time with aliens than my own species back home [perks of being a xenobiologist I guess]). Also, yes, I did name myself after that one knife sword, shut up. If you haven't noticed already, I do tend to ramble a bit, so y'all're just gonna have to put up with my shit when it comes to that 'cause I ain't stoppin'! Anyway, I've made enough of a paragraph already, so I'll see y'all around lol.

Howdy!! I'm Xyzdri!! When it comes to pronouns,, idrc,, so just go with whatever.. In human years,, I''d be 20.. My image isn''t the most accccurate,, but it''s gooood enough.. Anyways,, I''llll seeee you around!!

‡Yo, it's me, everyone's least favourite ugly fuck sludgeblood, JanJan. I really don't care what pronouns you use for me, and I'd be 22 in y'all's years.‡

Howdy! I'm Oskenior, and I can totally be trusted around extremely biteable people! >:3c Anyway, my pronouns are she/they/he, but all the others work fine as well! In human years, I'd be 21! See you around, you tasty little things! :P

< hey, I'm Jinyir! in human years, I'd be 19, and idk what a pronoun is (/j). I might write more here later, who knows |

⦨ Hey, I'm Ifnuari Uxrishnoarun, but nicknames are always welcome! My pronouns are a mystery, even to me, and I'd be 21 in human years. I'll see you around! ☇

Hiiiiiiiiiiii, I'm Fuppy! Some people also just called me FUP back home, but that was more an old habit than anything else lol. Pronouns are a thing that exists, I guess, but they're your problem to figure out not mine lmao. In human years, I'd be, uhhhhhhhhhhh, 20.
Btw, I'm just a tiny little puppet thing, so you should totes string me up :3

Heyo, I'm Kork, your friendly neighbourhood eldritch fae fish abomination! Knowing your exact age isn't particularly important where I'm from, so I can't tell you how old I am in human years, but I was considered a young adult back home. I use it/its pronouns when talking about myself in the third person, but I don't have a preference for what pronouns other people use for me. Anyway, I'll see y'all around!

]-{ hi! I'm Xrifni! in human years, I'd b 20, and my pronouns can b whatever u want them 2 b! catch u later! -{]

Greetings! I am project B0D1-5N47CH3R, codename "Changeling"! I am an Ensouled, or an artificially created being imbued with a soul! Back home, I was adept at swapping myself into new bodies and modifying my existing ones, but the image above is a rough approximation of my preferred appearance that I usually fall back on (yes, the creepy shit is necessary). My age is irrelevant (but you can consider me an adult for any purpose in which that matters), and I don't care what pronouns you use for me. I look forward to meeting all of you!

✕× h⊗wdy, y'all! ï'm sï⊗n! ï'm a bït ⊗f a chr⊗nïc l⊔rker, b⊔t ï'm h⊗pïng t⊗ make a few frïends s⊗ y⊗⊔ mïght see me a faïr bït m⊗re than m⊗st ⊗f my s⊗rt. ïn h⊔man years, ï'd be 19 n⊗w, and my pr⊗n⊗⊔ns are whatever's c⊗⊗lest, f⊔nnïest, and/⊗r least appr⊗prïate ïn any gïven sït⊔atï⊗n. anyway, ï d⊗n't have anythïng m⊗re t⊗ add here yet, s⊗ ï'll see y'all ar⊗⊔nd! ×✕

hello! I'm Hyisiorian! though, if that mouthful is a little much for you, nicknames are perfectly acceptable. in human years, I'd be 21, and while I generally prefer she/her pronouns I don't object to any others. see you around!

Heyo! I'm Salutations and Information Service bot, designation 513, aka SIS-513! (Nicknames are welcome, I won't object to anything!) I can be considered an adult for any purposes which require knowledge of age, and my pronouns can be whatever you want them to be!
For those interested in the specifics of my construction, I'm a rather typical sci-fi robot/android/etc type thing, with the capability of fully deconstructing and reconstructing into new forms if required. I have many organomimic components (synthetic parts that replicate organic ones), and a number of atypical functions thanks to my atypical designers. If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer!

<= heyo! i'm gnarshyi! i'd be 20 in human years, and my pronouns aren't important so just use whatever you feel like fits =>

Hello there! I'm Kroy! Kroy isn't actually my full name, but my full name is so exceedingly long that I ignore the rest most of the time! In human years, I'd be 21, and I'm cool with all pronouns no matter what! Oh, and I'm also an undead necromancer! >:3c
See you around!

Hello! I'm Tobor! In your years, I'd be just under 22! I use all pronouns, but phe/pher is my favourite. I look forward to learning how y'all compare to the humans I used to share a galaxy with back home!

Hey there, I'm Orik. Pronouns aren't important to me, so just use whatever, and I'd be 20 in human years. See you around, probably.

Um, hey. I don't really have a name, but, um, you can really just call me whatever. I'm 19, technically, and I use it/its pronouns. But, um, anything else works too, if you don't wanna call someone an it.

hi! :D i don't really have a name (or an age lol), but you can call me echo! :) noises and wiggles are also fun names i like! :) i really like she/her pronouns :), but i guess you can use other ones if you really want :(
see you around! :)

Heya! I'm Arty! I'm The Most Scatterbrained Fuckass You'll Ever Meet! My Pronouns Are xey/xem! In Human Years, I'd be 21! I'll Probably Add More Later When I Remember To Put It Here! Anyway, I'll See You Around!